Derivatives and Financial Instrument Valuation
Financial Reporting under US GAAP often requires reporting financial instruments, or embedded components of financial instruments or other agreements, at fair value in the issuers' financial statements. Often times, simplified valuation methods such as Black-Scholes, are not sufficient to estimate the fair value of complex financial instruments. D. Brooks and Associates CPAs specializes in developing customized models using Monte Carlo simulations, option pricing methods (OPM) and probability expected return method (PWERM) to value all types of financial instruments including convertible debt, preferred stock, market vesting stock compensation, and many other debt and equity related arrangements.
Prepared by CPAs and CVAs
All reports comply with AICPA, NACVA, and USPAP valuation standards and are prepared by individuals with combined experience of over 50 years.
Firm Has Long History of US GAAP and Fair Value Experties
D. Brooks and Associates CPAs is led by CPAs and CVAs with significant expertise in financial reporting under US GAAP and IFRS, including fair value measurements.